編集して新曲「クリームソーダ」 の MV FDFP(Favorite Drink @ Favorite Place)Ver. を制作、miuオフィシャルYouTubeチャンネル“miuTube”に公開します!Let’s Post!!

Please send us the “photo or video” of “your favorite drink”, shot at “your favorite place”.
We will edit the submitted photos and videos together to create an FDFP (favorite drink @ favorite place)-version music video of miu’s new song, “Cream Soda”.
We welcome your submission!

– 応募期間 –
2022/9/10〜9/30 23:59

September 10 thru 30, 2022 until 23:59
The edited video is scheduled to be released on October 2.

– 応募方法 –
#fdfpmiu@43miumiu の両方をつけて投稿、もしくは
#fdfpmiu@43miumiu の両方をつけて投稿(リールでもOK!)、
もしくは https://www.instagram.com/43miumiu/にメッセージでお送りください。


[How to submit]
Please send your video & Photo through Twitter or Instagram.
Twitter: Tag BOTH #fdfpmiu AND @43miumiu to your post,
OR DM to https://twitter.com/43miumiu
Instagram: Tag BOTH #fdfpmiu AND @43miumiu to your post (or Reel)
OR send a message to https://www.instagram.com/43miumiu/

Account names of those whose photo/video were used will be stated on the description section of the YouTube video.
If you wish to remain anonymous, please write “I prefer my account name undisclosed” when you submit the photo/video

– 投稿例 –
[Example of the post]

– 注意事項 –
お送りいただいた動画・写真の著作権は全てmiu official youtube channnelに帰属します。
All copyrights of the submitted photos/videos belong to “miu Official YouTube Channel”.
Selected photos/videos will make the FDFP version of the music video. We may not use every single submitted materials. The materials are also subject to cutouts and further edits.
Kindly refrain from sending photos/videos that can identify individuals.